BHMD MICRO DOCS are a even faster way to get historical facts about some of the greatest heroes to have ever walked on this earth. 

In addition to our Mini Docs we posts daily tributes that reach over 2.5 million people a month.  We honor and celebrate past and present heroes and sheroes on our  Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Pinterest and our new Tik-Toc page. Spreading information, joy and enlightenment to your every day.  If you want to receive these inspiring messages, be sure to “Like Us” on our community pages and become a part of our growing BHMD family. 

Black History Mini Docs was created out of the need for society to recognize the contributions Black people have made throughout history.

The frustrations of Black youth who grow into their teenage years with little or no knowledge of what those who came before them have accomplished under extraordinary circumstances, reveals itself constantly.  Dr. King said, “Violence is the frustration of the unheard.” A society that excludes the contributions of great people, who accomplished great things because of the color of their skin, is a society who wants to control the truth and that’s dangerous.

Mainstream education includes references to the contributions of Hindus, Buddhists, Arabs and the Chinese to certain aspects of human culture.  But what about the contributions of Africans and African descended people? Where is any of this reflected in mainstream education?  Most Black youth in the classroom are present and excluded at the same time.  Nearly all information in schools and colleges ignore the black cultural heritage. Even for those who choose to take “Black History” classes in school, they don’t often get the true story because Black history has been re-coded. 

The significance of Black history is recognizing the advancements and accomplishments of a people once defined by the Constitution as three-fifths of a person. While most people alien Black history with slavery, the Black impact on history reaches way beyond the country’s early history. The goal of Black History Mini Docs is to remind everyone that Black people contributed to every facet of American life and world culture. Knowing ones history gives you a strong sense of purpose. 

We look at our docs as “Cliff noted for the digital age!” In 90 seconds, one can learn about a black person who accomplished something in life. It gives our youth hope, pride and an idea that they can do it too!  Black History is a subject that can interest Blacks and non-blacks but it particularly enables Black youth to learn about people that are like themselves who contributed to the development of history and civilization.  It’s important to know Black people were inventors, scientists, artists and paved new ground in technology, industry, world trade, religion and philosophy.

Black History is also important because there are many forces today, right now in America, which wants to reset the clock and go backwards in time. Though American society has evolved in race relations it still suffers from the ignorance of what Black people have given to advance society.  Black History is important to America becoming one nation. Black History is a time to reflect and highlight what is an ongoing forward historical march of a people long denied their rightful place in in this world. It is about setting the historical records straight. 

Our Black History Mini Docs and posters are set around birthdays because we want to celebrate the lives of those who garnered accomplishments, fought for freedom and the unsung heroes who quietly, against the odds, went after their dreams and made those dreams real! Black History is much too huge to celebrate in one month; we want to celebrate every day.  Knowing your history prepares you for your future. 

Look at us as a daily reminder of just how great we all can be.

Visit our Facebook page for Daily Stories, Great Quotes and Birthday Tributes


Daisy Lee Gatson Bates (November 11, 1914 – November 4, 1999) was an American civil rights activist, publisher, journalist, and lecturer who played a leading role in the Little Rock Integration Crisis of 1957.

Copyright Black History Mini Docs Inc. 2025 All Rights Reserved.        


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